Friday, June 26, 2009

Who's "the king," now?

The Colonel is sinking rapidly into a state of deep depression. Michael Jackson has just assumed room temperature and the entire world, addled by a fawning obsession with celebrity, thinks that is the most important story on the planet. If H comes out with a statement about this drug addicted, pernicious pedophile's passing, I just might submit my secession papers.

For the record, I have never owned any recording, in any medium, of Michael Jackson's (ahem) music. There aren't many (ahem) artists whose estates, record labels, and agents I have so subsidized. In fact, I rarely submit the few remaining cognitive cells lying fallow in the recesses of my bald-pated skull to the mind-numbing assault on my not-so delicate sensibilities that has masqueraded as music for the past five decades; with the exception of the occasional dalliance with Boston or the Eagles--hey, you have your vices, I have mine.

The Colonel's point in this rambling rant is that the superficiality of popular culture and the mindless crush at the rope line of celebrity has reduced our capacity to think critically about what is actually of the most import in our lives and our times. There is a bloody revolution taking place in the name of freedom in Iran, and my bet is there will be more sympathy expressed today by talking heads and pandering politicians regarding the passing of a degenerate so-called king of pop, than will be uttered in support of the freedom fighters in Iran.

Besides, I thought the drug-addicted musician from Memphis was "the king."


Miss Em said...

The one who couldn't stop shakin his backside and swiveling his hips even while he served for 2 yrs in the Army and was from Memphis was proclaimed the 'King of Rock and Roll' by his screaming fans back in the 50's.

The drug addicted, pernicious pedophile was suppose to have been proclaimed 'King of Pop' by the business leaders of the Record Companies 5 years before the screaming fans AND the 'K-of-R', who graciously acknowledged him with a personal phone call.
Of course I was in my difficult teens at that time but I do remember hearing it during one of those late night talk shows...
HhhEeeRrrEee's Johnny. Yes, I had stayed up past my curfew.

The 'K-of-P' may have made billions on recordings, videos, concerts, and advertising but what he left to his 3 children was a 450million dollar debt.

The 'K-of-R' may have be an over-weight drug addict but, at least he was smart and caring enough to make certain that HIS child was not going to inherit debt.

Miss Em
Austell, Ga.

Miss Em said...


I got your point long before it was made.

The problem is that they [the press and the people] are not only ignoring Iran but, they are helping the Socialist to change the way that THIS Country is governed by changing the way the Laws are interperted without- landish-legalese that even some lawyers have trouble understanding.

There is certainly NO way for folks like me (non-lawyer type) to figure out what it all means even with a complete law library.

And forget about trying to make them read 'the bills' before they vote on them because many of them are hundreds of pages longer than 'Atlas Shrugged' which I have read.
And as the gov't continues with the spend and grab I am waiting for Atlas to Shrug.

Welp, the "Give-me's" and the "I want change" groups are most certainly getting what they want while the rest of us are expected to pay for it. I don't know about you but my pockets aren't that deep and no matter how much one pushes at the bottom they won't get any deeper. I know I've tried once or twice.

The PotUS is certainly what he was raised and educated to be...a Marxist with a snarley attitude when things are going his way.

I'm going to start looking for my 'Santuary'. I hope you have a hide-out for you and yours when the 'Sh!t hits the fan' and of course, it's on it's way. Don't know when it will arrive but don't worry you won't be able to miss it.

Miss Em
Austell, Ga.