Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Memo

Obama's speech writer didn't get the memo. I'm certain there's a Department of Homeland Insecurity briefing circulated daily in D.C. that warns about the dangerous activities and treasonous thought expressed in the content of the regularly irregular posts to this blog. Had Obama's speech writer seen that briefing, he would have learned the difference between Armed Forces Day, Veterans Day, and Memorial Day, and would have saved his boss the embarrassment of confusing the three in his radio address today.

While he, at least, said some good things about how to support currently deployed servicemen and women and how to thank and honor veterans, his use of a Memorial Day address to do so demonstrated the most glaring lack of respect for America's history and traditions the Colonel has ever witnessed in a Commander in Chief. The ONLY purpose of Memorial Day is the remembrance of those men and women who gave THEIR LIVES in service to our nation during time of war. Surely we should honor those who have served and currently serve, but Veterans Day and Armed Forces Day, respectively, are the two days set aside by Congress for that purpose--not Memorial Day.

The Colonel knows this is beginning to sound like a broken record. But, like the preacher said, whose chairman of deacon's complained of the same sermon preached four Sundays in a row, "when people get the message, I'll move on to the next topic."


Miss Em said...

My dear Colonel,

You are preaching to the choir therefore you will hear cheers.

When you preach to those who think you are a fool then you will get nothing but 'crap-pol-la' and boo's.

You would think that the Military Advisors and Officers serving at the White House would be listened to when it comes to the 'Days' set aside for the 'Honoring of Military Service'.

And, NO I have NOT forgotten I'm now talking about the 'Extreme Left' and how they despises all that the Military stands for...

Dedication to Duty
Love of Country
Belief in the Constitution

I sit here in 'Red-Face' shame with tears in my eyes that this 'CIC' has choosen NOT to acknowledge the most sacred ...

A warrior's "Ultimult Sacrifice in Battle"
his quiet passing from a "peaceful" life after having served his Country.

Shame on him.

Miss Em
Austell, Ga.

Unknown said...

Spot on Colonel! I have twice been honored to be a guest speaker at my home town cemetery on Memorial day. On both occasions I was extremely humbled and honored to even be considered to speak as I am sure there were much better candidates than this broken down USMC light bird. In reveiwing your comments, it refreshed my memory about the first thoughts that struck me as I set about in preparing my remarks - that was to honor our war time dead. Stick to the point. While it was polite and respectful to make mention of the elderly military warriors who showed up in their Ike jackets and such, the focus was on those that didn't come home with them, those who didn't have the past 60 years of living in peace and tranquility, of raising their children to see their children's children and even another generation of offspring. I thank God for granting me words of wisdom at such somber times and given the kind comments of so many in attendance, I can only trust that I accomplished what you so aptly pointed out in your blog that ought to be done on such occasions. sw