Monday, May 28, 2012

Heroes: Incentive, or Inspiration?

War is both the most base and the most noble of man's endeavors.  Those who have marched with fellows into the maw of destruction know no other more horribly soul-crippling nor no more honorably self-sacrificing experience the rest of their however long lives.

Veterans, survivors, of war know that the heroism of their fallen comrades provides not incentive for more war, but inspiration to serve something larger than one's self and conviction to ensure that the sacrifices of the few for the freedoms of the many are not forgotten nor wasted.

Chris Hayes, whose grip on the reality of a world that pits good against evil is more tenuous than a newborn's grasp of the trim of his blanket, has not the first inkling of a clue.  Frankly, he deserves no more attention than to pity the desolation of his vacuous view.

You and the Colonel knew many like him in the formative years of our high school and college matriculation. 

They wore peace symbols, not out of any real conviction for peace, but because it was cool.

They blithely blathered about disarmament without thinking for a moment that evil never reciprocates.

They naively spouted Marx and sought to to shine a bright spotlight on the relative few inevitable imperfections of our constitutional republic and its conduct in support of self-determination abroad, while never once pausing to credit the overwhelming good that our nation did in the lives of others around the globe.

They refused to respect anything -- not the flag that caresses the caskets of freedom's fallen, not the norms of a society that spawned the greatest leaps forward in man's long history, not their fellow citizens' right to the "free exercise" of religion in the public square --  except their own warped and deluded sense of enlightened intelligence.

They sneered in denigrating contempt at those who, in admirable early-onset maturity, followed a call to serve something larger than themselves.

Many of these awakened from the self-induced slumber of their self-righteous self-absorption and became productive members of society, at both ends of the political spectrum.

The rest became journalists and college professors.   


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