Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sharing Sharia

To the blissful many, whose sacrifices on the altar of American freedoms are counted mostly in losses of temper at an inconvenience, and whose understanding of history is restricted to the pacifist pablum provided in a grade school textbook authored by a draft-dodger, the controversy surrounding the plans for an "Islamic Cultural Center" adjacent to the site of the 9/11 Islamo-fascist attack on America amounts to nothing more than a debate over the need for our society to honor our freedoms of speech and religion and "build bridges" to the Islamic world that so misunderstands our desire to live in peace with them.

See the desire to build the "Islamic Cultural Center" at the site of the Islamo-fascist attacks for what it is--the traditional Islamic tradition of erecting monuments (in the form of mosques) to Islamic triumphs. We Americans may kid ourselves into believing otherwise--the Islamic world will see it as a monument to a triumph. We Americans may come to view the mosque at Ground Zero as a symbol of outreach to the Islamic world--much as our President views it (and the mission of NASA, for that matter)--but it will be viewed in a much different light by the rest of the world.

We have allowed ourselves to be shamed into seeing the issue as one of respecting the cherished American ideals of religious tolerance and freedom of speech by a culture that respects neither.

Most in our nation have blindly accepted the lie that America is not at war with Islam. The Colonel asks those who purvey such nonsense simply, "Since when?"

Islam has been at war with Judeo-Christianity and the rest of the religions of the world since the middle of the 7th Century. And, at every site of an Islamic victory, a mosque has been erected in commemoration. The name for the planned Islamic Cultural Center at Ground Zero says all we need to know. Cordoba House.

A Muslim army captured Cordoba, a city in present-day southern Spain, in 711. By the end of the first millennium, Cordoba had become one of the great Muslim cities of the world. Cordoba eventually became one of the greatest Caliphates in the Islamic world, considered even greater by the fact that Cordoba represented the Western-most expansion of Islamic influence. Present day Islamic apologists and sympathizers point to the fact that Cordoba's library at the Great Mosque of Cordoba was the greatest in the world.

Berlin had a great library, too, in 1943.


Miss Em said...

Hello Colonel,

I seriously believe that by building at the site of 9/11, it is the Muslems that are rubbing our noses in the fact that they were able to destroy 2 of the famous buildings in this Country and the World. Also, by being able to build there they will be honoring the ones who did the destruction and bringing disrespect to those who perished in the buildings at "Ground Zero".
Just like the monumet in Penn. where they are building a Cresent that is facing Mecca in the Middle East. The designer keeps telling everyone that that's not what it is but I have seen the design.
This Country is being run by those who want to destroy this Country by whatever means possible.
They don't think we will or can do anything about it.
The People of this Country is finially waking up and once fully aroused ... God help them for We are the "Sleeping Gaint".

Miss Em

Sean said...

I entirely disagree. What did we fight for in Iraq? What did we fight for in Afghanistan? There is actually some merit that denying Muslim Americans the right to build in an approved zoned area will be the best recruiting tool of Al Qaeda you can imagine. Or to put it another way, what emboldens them: a mosque, or denying them a mosque?

There is a common phrase thrown around that "Freedom isn't Free." Once it starts costing us, we might as well just take all the American flags down, and fold up this great experiment. Are we an army of elitists in the Middle East helping the great unwashed? Or do we see humanity in the people we have helped for almost a decade?

This oversimplification of war is an insult to anyone killed in the Middle East since 9/11. The Ku Klux Klan lynched people in the name of Christianity, but we do not blame religion for their acts. Do not let soldiers die in vain to cave in to the paranoid masses that shout in the streets in America.